fredag den 29. november 2013

Covering [P4] Video for presentation

Final video to shown at the presentation and at the exhibition at Rambøll. It shows the process from the preliminary experiments to final design. The spatial transformation due to interaction with weather phenomena is one of the main points.

Final exhibition video from Mads Frølund Poulsen on Vimeo.

søndag den 10. november 2013

Covering [P3] Final booklet

This is the final booklet on phase 3, which explain the process and development of the design and models.

Covering [P3] Ambience renderings

Showing the design exposed to the two chosen phenomena. 

Covering [P3] Final model - single funnel & structural field

Final model of a single funnel. Scale 1:2,5 (Funny scale due to the dimensions of the working space). The model is hexagon shaped and 2 meters high. It is made from polyester fabric, nylon cord and wood. The model of the structural field is next to it.

Model of structural field in scale 1:25. It consist of 9 funnels. One funnel is turned upside down, and held in place by tensegrity.