søndag den 23. marts 2014

Transformation [P4] The parasite

The 2. floor, where the parasite attaches to the building, with the interaction between public and private is going to be my main focus for the further investigation. The parasite in particular.

Function of parasite: "Flexible" performance hall being able to hold around 40 spectators - with non-fixed seating. It should also frame a space underneath, which can be used as an outdoor performance area.

It should stand out from the existing building and enhance the connection to the sea for the people using and/or observing the building. This could be done by reflecting the light and colors from the sea. - The material should not necessarily be totally reflective, as some of the examples here indicate.  So the further investigation will be about trying out different shapes and materials.

Cloud Gate(2006), Chicago, by Anish Kapoor

Reflective Tiled Sculpture by Studio Caliper

Orkanen Library(2006), Malmö, by Diener & Diener Architekten

Transformation [P4] Inspiration - flexibility

The idea is to create an flexible facade to mirror the flexible use of the building, as a playground for the actors. There should be various opportunities to perform at different locations within or outside the building.
The flexibility of the facade can be understood as a change of transparency due to e.i. light conditions, or as being able to open or close - both can be possible in various ways.
The different ways of opening and closing or creating transparency also has something to do with providing shade inside the house when needed.

BT Huset(1994), Copenhagen, by Henning Larsen Architects.

Toldbodgade 13(2013), Copenhagen, by BBP Arkitekter

Ecole Superrieure de Commerce Novancia(2006), Paris, by Architecture Studio

Hut on slegde(2012), New Zealand, by Crosson Clarke Carnachan-architects

Cafe-Restaurant OPEN(2008), Amsterdam, de Architekten Cie

torsdag den 20. marts 2014

Transformation [P4] Reinhabitation - current plan diagram

Diagram showing the current plan disposition and movement. Based on analyses of the placement of the performance hall and the double high space on the top floors. 

mandag den 17. marts 2014

Transformation [P4] Reinhabitation - situation 1:5000

Situation plan in 1:5000 showing the existing building, the ruins and the planned Prora. It also locates the connections to the sea, which are quite far apart. Most of the movement is North - South, which is enhanced by the long buildings laying parallel to the forest and the sea. 

tirsdag den 11. marts 2014

Transformation [P4] Re-inhabitation - making grid model

The grid model is a working model to experiment with different spatial configuration and relations. All floor slabs can be taken out to create double high rooms, triple high rooms etc. 
It is a section of the structure in scale 1:50. 

fredag den 7. marts 2014

Transformation [P3] Reprogramming - concept

Art form: Performance art - theater
Transformation: Parasite

The art form has been chosen due to the idea that the actors and people from the theater school can add a value to Prora through their performances - adding events that gather people and gives them experiences, they normally would not get. To make this possible, the parasite was chosen as the transformation method, since there would be a need for a big performance hall(plus other performance spaces). A hall that possibly is to big to fit into the existing structure.

The main fascinations or the main problems found during the mapping of Prora were the long hallways, the long uninterupted facade and seriality, and the lost connection between landside and seaside.

During the investigations on the parasite as transformation, the concept has developed to not only being about breaking the facade and long views. The project should rather be about creating events along the hallways and the facades, such as performances, unique spatial qualities, views, connections landside-seaside etc. These events should also be about different experiences different times a day or year. - depending on time-scale. The sun and the light should play an important role in the further investigations.

Events on a line:

tirsdag den 4. marts 2014

Transformation [P3] Reprogramming - axonometric

Poster describing the concept of the project. A parasite is attached to or growing out of the changed corridor paths as a big event. The aim is to break down the long straight corridors by adding events that will change the perception and possibly the routes of the corridors. A big opening is made add an event as well, which also creates a connection landside/seaside. 

søndag den 23. februar 2014

Transformation [P3] ReProgramming

Experimenting with different geometries to break the building volume and facade and to block the straight views. The volume should be able to contain a big space for shows and performances and must also create a link between the front and the back of the building.

Trying out different geometries

Working with the triangular shape.

mandag den 17. februar 2014

Transformation [P2] Mapping


"We are different"

"Way to the sea"

"Inside_Outside | Landside_Seaside

"Filling in"

"Feeling small"


"Erasing and making connections"

"Exhibiting space"

"Art of the city"

"Composing space"

"Open for art"

fredag den 17. januar 2014

Theory course - Time-script

Video collage from the theory course, january 2014. Shows how time leaves traces around in the city by constantly adding layers. Layers both as additions and subtractions. Some are more temporary then other - all dependent on scale and use. Graffiti and posters are more temporary than balconies and other additions to buildings.