fredag den 7. marts 2014

Transformation [P3] Reprogramming - concept

Art form: Performance art - theater
Transformation: Parasite

The art form has been chosen due to the idea that the actors and people from the theater school can add a value to Prora through their performances - adding events that gather people and gives them experiences, they normally would not get. To make this possible, the parasite was chosen as the transformation method, since there would be a need for a big performance hall(plus other performance spaces). A hall that possibly is to big to fit into the existing structure.

The main fascinations or the main problems found during the mapping of Prora were the long hallways, the long uninterupted facade and seriality, and the lost connection between landside and seaside.

During the investigations on the parasite as transformation, the concept has developed to not only being about breaking the facade and long views. The project should rather be about creating events along the hallways and the facades, such as performances, unique spatial qualities, views, connections landside-seaside etc. These events should also be about different experiences different times a day or year. - depending on time-scale. The sun and the light should play an important role in the further investigations.

Events on a line:

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