torsdag den 26. december 2013

Regenerative Architecture

This workshop (Fagligt introduktionsforløb) was a collaboration with GXN (3XN's research department), where we were to rethink the Godsbanen area in order to make it more sustainable. This project deals with biodiversity and water purification. 

Our proposal takes it point of departure in the history site. It was originally wetland, before it was turned into a goods station - which ended polluting the soil on the site. The goods station is now turned into a cultural center, and the railway area is mostly abandoned. The proposal is to give the place back to the nature by redirecting a part of Aarhus River, and create a wetland outside Godsbanen. The wetland vegetation cleanses the soil and creates a new green area within the city.

A plant school should also be located on site, where wastewater and rainwater is cleaned and used as nutrition. The trees grown here can be exported to other places in the city. Godsbanen should also be used as an educational center for the natural wetland, where school children can go on excursions and use the great hall as auditorium. 

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