onsdag den 30. oktober 2013

Covering [P3] Probe

Probe testing how to tension the wire and how hard it can be tensioned. 
Notice that the MDF is bending, so the final model will need a frame to reinforce it.

Video showing how the wires are tensioned. Notice the sound, when "playing" on the strings.


mandag den 28. oktober 2013

Covering [P3] small tangent

While sketching on and developing the structural field, the two funnel-shaped models were put together in different ways, to see if they should overlap each other, if one should be higher than the other etc. At one point, the two models were put on top of each other, creating a tall structure with an exiting space on the inside. The potential of the idea was examined, but it was later discarded again.

Small video describing "sketching process".

Tangent from Mads Frølund Poulsen on Vimeo.

søndag den 27. oktober 2013

Covering [P3] Precipitation Catchers Booklet

Booklet describing investigation programme. This includes descriptions of parameters framing the project, situation, time-scale, the chosen structure (which is a pre-stressed membrane), and the four probes and/or experiments.

Click the picture to open booklet

torsdag den 10. oktober 2013

Covering [P3] Precipitation catchers

First page of the book for phase 3 describing chosen parameters for the further investigation.

onsdag den 9. oktober 2013

Covering [P3] Investigating snow and rain on membrane

Experiments on how water and snow (powder sugar) will collect and slide off of the funnel shaped pre-stressed membrane. Notice how the water droplets reflect the light, and how the powder sugar changes the space under the structure and the light. 

mandag den 7. oktober 2013

Covering [P2] Final model

The final model is a hybrid between the Glass Pavilion by Bruno Taut and MyZeil by Studio Fuksas. It does not represent the buildings, but it is an experiment that examines the two different structural principles. Notice how the structure and the space underneath it changes.


Comparison of the two stages.